Filing For Divorce in New York
Making the decision to seek a divorce is not usually an easy one to make. It generally is an emotional and stressful time as a couple chooses to end their relationship; perhaps even more so when the decision isn’t mutual.
Even if you believe your divorce will be uncontested, meaning you both agree to the divorce, there are many issues that will need to be considered and a long list of legal paperwork that needs to be completed, signed, and filed…this list is even longer when the divorce is contested, or not mutually agreed upon. In either case, it is always a good idea to consult a divorce lawyer to give guidance and to file the required documentation so you can move on to your next chapter.
If you and your spouse have mutually agreed upon divorce, but are in need of some assistance working out financial, and possible custody, arrangements, than you may consider divorce mediation. Mediation is a process where an experienced divorce lawyer will work with you and your spouse to amicably end your marriage by guiding you through
- the fair division of property, assets, and debts,
- a spousal support agreement, and
- agreeable terms for child support, custody, and visitation.
Mediation can not only help you maintain a harmonious relationship with your spouse, but it can also save you money. Generally, the mediation process is a shorter and less expensive process than traditional divorce litigation.
Common Divorce Questions Answered by a Top Divorce Advice Lawyer
How Do We Know if Mediation is Right for Us?
The first step in evaluating if divorce mediation will be a good fit is knowing that both spouses agree that it is time for a divorce. If one party is likely to contest the divorce, then mediation is out. Mediation is for couples who wish to remain amicable through, and ideally even after, the divorce process.
If you and your spouse can work together, with the guidance of an experienced divorce mediation lawyer, to negotiate a fair division of debt, property, and assets, then mediation may be right for you. If you have children, it will also be important that you and your spouse can agree on a realistic parenting and custody plan, as well as a child support.
Why Are 80 Percent Of Your Clients Women?
Having mediated divorces and legal separations for more than 36 years, (over half of my life), I’ve learned that the dynamic between couples is remarkably interesting. Read More
Do You Find That Men Are More Hesitant To Consider Mediation, And Prefer To Go Straight For Divorce?
Most men don’t want out of the marriage, so they don’t want to go to mediation. Clearly, this is because they are frightened about many things. Read More
How Can Parents Safeguard Their Children’s Future, And What Does That Mean?
It’s really simple: safeguarding a child’s future means turning them into a happy adult. Parents raise their children, and the children learn good manners. Read More
If Parents Divorce or Separate, How Can They Safeguard Their Children’s Financial Future?
To safeguard the financial future of their children, parents need to make more money and spend less money. I would also recommend that anyone who is looking to create a trust. Read More
Living One’s Best Life On Long Island
Figuring out how to live one’s best life in Suffolk County is probably one of the biggest tricks in the book of tricks. I don’t think there’s enough time for me to go through all of the components it entails. Read More
How Does Life On Long Island Differ For High-Net-Worth Families Versus Lower Or Middle-Class?
Long Island is a costly place to live. The taxes on homes are legion for being very high and unaffordable, and even with mortgage rates being meager, the cost of housing is extremely high. Read More
Is It Safe To Say That There’s Going To Be Different Factors To Consider With A High-Net-Worth Family Versus A Lower Middle-Class Family?
In the context of a high-net-worth couple, you’re talking about more complex issues because, typically, more things have been acquired during the marriage. Read More
What About Couples Who Can Afford To Divorce, They Can Afford That Second House Or Double This, Double That, Do You Still Recommend That They At Least Consider A Legal Separation Before Jumping Into A Divorce? Does That Make Sense For Everybody? What Does Your Conversation Look Like When It Comes To That?
Make sure that if you are considering a legal separation that the company you engage assures you they will obtain a Judgment of Separation. Read More
What Are The Benefits Are Of Using Mediation To Resolve Marital Dissolution Issues Versus Hiring Attorneys And Going Through The Court Process And Litigating And All That Hot Mess?
The only time that the court system should be necessary is if custody is genuinely an issue and must be determined by a judge. Read More
Let’s Talk Further About Mediation And See How It Lines Up With Some Of The Goals That We Originally Discussed. How is This The Best Process For Children And The Future Relationship You See Between Co-Parents.
When you’re involved in the mediation process, you’re self-directing the outcome. The two of you are making all the decisions, and you’re not letting a judge decide for you. Read More
During The Divorce Process, What Are Some Ways To Save Or Protect Your Finances During The Divorce?
Mediation is going to be far less expensive than going through litigation. On average, divorce lawyers on Long Island charge a minimum of $5,000 per person to get in the door. Read More
Do You Find That There Are Often, Not Always, Differences Between The Way Husbands And Wives View And Handle Finances?
Some couples share finances from day one and live their lives responsibly, understanding that they’re doing everything they can to better their relationship. Read More
From Your Years Of Working With Couples Who Do End Up Making Their Marriages Work Versus Those Who End Up Divorcing, What Would You Say Are Some Of The Best Ways For Married Couples To Discuss And Handle Their Finances? Should We Do Separate Accounts, Joint Accounts Or Both. Do We Give Each Other A Little Bit Of Financial Privacy To Some Degree Or Is It Full Disclosure? Do We Have To Agree On Everything?
Doing what I do for a living, I don’t see the couples whose marriages have worked. I see those couples in my social circles and in my family outside of my professional life. Read More
How Would You Describe a High Net Worth Divorce Case? What Makes These Types of Divorces More Complex?
High net worth divorce cases are more complex due to high income and the considerable amount of assets that were acquired either before or during the marriage. Read More
In Your Experience, What Are Some of the Biggest Mistakes That Someone Makes or Can Make in a High Net Worth Divorce?
The biggest mistake anybody can make in a high net worth divorce is to hire lawyers without first attempting mediation. Read More
Hiring an Affordable Divorce Attorney in New York
Deciding to divorce your spouse is a difficult and emotional decision to make. You deserve to have a skilled divorce lawyer that is passionate about your case. One with the ability to mediate a peaceful outcome, when possible, or who will bring your case to court to protect your rights, when needed…and one who is experienced enough to know which path is right for you.
If you are searching for an experienced and affordable divorce attorney in New York, call the Law Offices of Alan L. Finkel. Mr. Finkel is one of the top divorce advice lawyers in the state, serving as a trusted family lawyer for 35 years. Call (631) 462-3100 today to schedule your complimentary 30-minute zoom consultation.

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“individual or as a couple”